Jeff Garzik Dunvegan Space Systems and Deep Space Industries Join
The initial design contract between Jeff Garzik’s Dunvegan Space Systems and Deep Space Industries Inc. was announced on April 23. This step is part of an effort to create an orbital system for the non-profit BitSat project.
The BitSats will consist of an orbital node for the bitcoin network located on earth with a constellation of small BitSats endlessly broadcasting the latest bitcoin block from orbit. This new design is being undertaken to further improve and enhance the resiliency of bitcoin in the case of interferences or outages to the earth-based bitcoin P2P network.
Garzik Dunvegan Space Systems and Deep Space Industries Join
Garzik is working organizing a campaign supported by donations to create and fly the system.
“Private spaceflight is breaking big, driving down costs so that great ideas like BitSats are within reach of even volunteer nonprofits. We want to keep bitcoin healthy and free by finding alternative ways to distribute block chain data,” he said.
With BitSats providing the most current solved blocks to public, it will be a reference point and a cross-check to authenticate the earth-based network. Furthermore, it will provide information about the blocks to places that are not earth bound.
Rick Tumlinson, the Chairman of Deep Space Industries Inc. commented on the new progress by saying that the company has always voiced “using space resources” and this includes using “space itself.” He further stated that even though some might find this new announcement surprising, it is very much in accordance to their spacecraft development plans. The company is due to announce another private spacecraft system in a few months that will utilize a lot of the same parts and systems as the former.
“This means much lower costs – very important for the donation-based BitSat effort,” he said.
Garzik is very optimistic about using space for bringing progress for the future.
“I believe space holds the promise of our future, and also offers a lot of utility right now,” said Garzik. “I chose DSI for this project based on depth of their proposal, the expertise they have internally and within their network and the fact that they are pushing the cutting edge – just as we are at Dunvegan.”
Deep Space Industries Inc. will create the detailed prerequisites for the space and ground part of a BitSat constellation and the initial plans for the architecture, operations concept, and spacecraft design. The blueprint for the next steps will be released and published in August for the community evaluation here.
Would you be able to sponsor my “TABLE TOP SPACE EXPERIENCE” at your events?
My table top space experience is interactive and not very hands on hands on but visual sessions designed to provide attendees with a greater in-depth opportunity to engage in the four strands of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
As always, I have no problem with multiple breakout sessions each hour.
The Tabletop Space Experience is designed for K to 12 classrooms, afterschool programs and community organizations. It can be modified to be age-appropriate.
Presentations are free, but there needs to be a donation of nominal fee to cover gas/mileage hotel transpiration. This charge covers any number of presentations per visit.
Mobile Aviation Historical Exhibits is a 501. C-3 Non-For-Profit Corporation that is in need of a fund raiser.
I was hoping to stage one of my table top space experiences at you location, using as many of your students that want to hear my space lecture.
All models will be exhibited on a clear table that has no public access, for lack of a better term an X in a square format.
The lecture usually runs about an hour with time for lots of questions and answers about human spaceflight.
I use scaled models as a learning tool, by doing what is best referred to as a Mobile Aviation Historical Exhibit. In have table top lectures that I call” One Hour Table-Top Space Experience”,
It consists of a single large table full of 1/72 scale plastic models, all build to scale so that each model compares next to each other as if they were full size.
I have a group of 1/72 human scaling figures, two adult size Astronaut Neal & Buzz, it also have several children size scaling figures as well.
I make a point of showing everybody that this is exactly how large it would be standing next to the real thing.
The exhibit has a Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle shown in launch configuration as well as after flight with its landing gear down and locked. I have several Star-Wars spacecraft the Millennium Falcon, slave one and of course the dredged X-wing fighter and the infamous ARC-170 Star Fighters which were conceived to Dog-Fight inside the atmosphere of a Gas Giant.
(It all OK as all of this happened a long- long time ago in a Galaxy far-far-away.)
The plan is to tell of speeds, how fast a spacecraft would have to travel in earth orbital velocity, in miles per hour. How fast do you have to go to get to the moon or other planets in our solar system?
Then to compare travel times in our solar system using the speed of light.
In closing I like to remind our younger generations that it is their problem to figure out how to travel in outer space, and that I want them to get started as soon as possible.
Dennison R. Love: [email protected]
President and founder of
Mobile Aviation Historical Exhibits.
3010 35th Ave.
Rock island, Il 61201
309 793-1837 or 309 558-9956