YouTuber Crypto Crow presenting first bitcoin-funded TV seriesbitcoin show onCBS, CW,Roku in June

Jason Appleton (YouTuber Crypto Crow)
Update: According to the latest press release from Crypto Crow, the show is being postponed if not canceled on the CW and CBS stations due to unforeseen circumstances. The show will now air on TUFF TV and 40 of its affiliate stations, as well as streamed on the Crypto Crow Roku Channel. A news report on the latest is here.
Digital currency YouTuber and investor Jason Appleton, known on YouTube as Crypto Crow, announced in a press release CoinReport received the airing streaming of his own television series bitcoin show on Roku, the CW and CBS to more than 47 30 million homes in June 2018. The TV series show is funded by bitcoin.
Appleton uploaded his first video on YouTube as Crypto Crow in November of 2017, when he was a VP of sales for a mortgage firm. His following on YouTube irrupted to 70k devoted subscribers within just three months as he disclosed how he evaluates ICOs and revealed how he had turned a $3,500 investment into more than $90k in just two months.
The agreement between Appleton and CBS Television Networks is was of 13 episodes of the Crypto Crow Show in select markets as a test market in anticipations of disseminating on a national scale.
The following networks are scheduled to start airing the first season on June 25:
CBS New York WLNY – (7.3 Million Homes)CW Philly WPSG (2.9 Million Homes)CW Pittsburgh WPCW (1.1 Million Homes)CW Detroit WKBD (1.8 Million Homes)CW Atlanta WUPA (2.4 Million Homes)CW Tampa Bay WTOG (1.9 Million Homes)
The Crypto Crow Roku Channel, which is now available to 30 million U.S. homes, will be streaming the episodes.
For show dates and times, local listings can be consulted.
Each episode of the show will present information centered on assisting new comers to the digital currency space with researching, investing and staying safe while showcasing ICOs and digital currency firms and how they make an impact to the industry.
According to the press release, episode topic schedule is:
Episode 1: What Are Cryptocurrencies?
Episode 2: Crypto Security
Episode 3: Exchange Trading
Episode 4: Initial Coin Offerings
Episode 5: Bot Trading For Profits
Episode 6: 1st Gen vs 2nd, 3rd
Episode 7: Swing Trading
Episode 8: Crypto Cycles/Crashes
Episode 9: Crypto Mining Vs. Investing
Episode 10: Crypto Predictions
Episode 11: Passion To Profit
Episode 12: The Future Of Cryptocurrency
Episode 13: A New World Of Crypto
Unedited versions of the episodes, which may not be broadcast on television in their entireties, could be watched on Appleton’s YouTube channel.
This is going to be the first time a digital currency YouTuber has had their own TV series fully paid for by bitcoin. All publicity sponsors, features and the like are funded by bitcoin.
Image via GlobeNewswire